What’s Up With Her: Time for a control check

Columns February 22, 2012

Reading a recent Monday Magazine, it became apparent that it’s not a great month for us virgos. Astrologist Georgia Nichols’ horoscope (my favorite!) said that low energy and tiredness are overwhelming. (Exams anyone?)

After that cheery news, I continued working my way from back to front in search of the next article popper. Almost at the end (I mean, front), there it was: a full-page spread of writer/comedian Wes Borg’s comedy article on attempting to save romantically challenged heterosexual men.

Oh, this should be interesting, I thought to myself.

Summing up Borg’s tips, he emphasizes that men “act” stupid in their relationships so they can attract a woman to begin with. He suggests a man must mismatch his socks, be a bad cook, etc. Apparently the “man project” is what women really want. If this is true, we are all doomed!

What man wants to degrade himself by playing dumb all his life for a woman? And, on the other side of things, what woman wants to be a domestic slave and mother all her life for a man?

Borg argues that his tips create a win-win situation for both men and women. The man gets the woman by posing as stupid and, in return, the woman gains control.

Ironically, next to Borg’s column was an advice column by a professional matchmaker. Equally regressive and insulting as Borg’s, the matchmaker advises women to let the man pay on dates, so he can feel in control.

My love advice to these two: check control at the door when approaching relationships.