Astrological Asininity: April 2, 2014 issue

Humour April 2, 2014

Hi! OMG this is the last issue of this website before the semester ends so um bye!!

Aries: Hi Aries! I hope you’re ready for the spring semester! Or, are you leaving Camosun for now? I hope you come back because Aries you’re one of my faves.

Taurus: Taurus, study hard for those tests, because that grade point average isn’t going up by itself! LOL unless you’re hallucinating, which happens to all of us at least a couple times a day, so, all good!

Gemini: So if you really think about pumpkins it gets pretty weird. And I know pumpkins only exist during Halloween month, but Gemini, you gotta watch out for those this month. If you happen to see one, weird, and get away.

Cancer: Hi! Totally told you to not sit on seats for the next couple of weeks last time. Did you pull that off? ‘Cuz that’s hard!

Leo: Leo, stock up on lottery tickets and… eggs?!

Virgo: LOL I was just messing with Leo there, no reason why they should buy eggs.

Libra: Hi, Libra! I saw you running across Richmond Street the other day. That hill there, I know everyone is supposed to go 30, but no one does (I like to meditate right on the yellow line in the middle of Richmond). So watch yourself!

Scorpio: Freakin’ fun forecasting futures! LOL no seriously don’t go to Cadboro Bay between April 3 and 5. Seriously.

Sagittarius: So what are you anyway, some kinda half-human half-horse?! I mean OMG freaky dreamy LOL! Not making fun but ummm weird. I don’t know what’s in your future, eating hay and not liking it because you’re half-human?

Capricorn: Capricornio, I want to get to know you better! LOL sorry sometimes I just say things. Watch out for snow globes or just globes in general yeah just globes.

Aquarius: I’m Aquarius, which I don’t know if I’ve mentioned, so I think we should move all this around so we’re up top LOL not at the bottom; the bottom sucks.

Pisces: See? Bottom sucks.