Ability’s Muse: Finding inspiration in struggle

Columns March 4, 2015

I recently listened to the brilliant dialogues of my fellow colleagues at Camosun’s Conversations Day, an annual event that showcases inspirational stories from the college community.

There is no telling what the human spirit can accomplish, and it reminds me that some of us are charged with greatness. I walked away from the event with the knowledge that we all have potential to be remarkable if we cultivate it.

Ability’s Muse is the Camosun College Students with (dis)Abilities column (graphic provided).
Ability’s Muse is the Camosun College Students with (dis)Abilities column (graphic provided).

One particular story had me deeply moved and equally disturbed all at once. While it was a compelling tale of triumph over adversity, it completely contrasts my present journey.

While one colleague was revered upon his return, I on the other hand find myself having to prove to others daily that I belong amongst my peers. Rather than accept other people’s poor opinions of me, I stand my ground, endure, and sometimes fight.

I don’t relish giving grand speeches to groups ready to hand me their applause. Instead, I seek out the poor soul struggling to articulate their experiences, on or off campus, and I provide them the audience they felt they were deprived of, try to validate their thoughts and feelings, and remind them that they are people deserving of our respect and acknowledgment.

I don’t take comfort in appeasing others to maintain an illusion of control. I reflect the critical nature of the problem back to others in ways that can draw disapproval.

While I’m overjoyed to hear these inspirational stories, it saddens me that society doesn’t elevate everyone’s personal story to the point of critical acclaim.