25 Years ago in Nexus: September 9, 2015 issue

Columns September 9, 2015

Did you know we just turned 25? That’s right: the very first issue of Nexus, known back then as The Nexus, appeared on stands around Camosun in September 1990. So we’re relaunching the popular 20 Years Ago column as 25 Years Ago and starting back at the beginning…

CCSS and CFS union begins: A news story in the September 4, 1990 issue of Nexus (that’s right, our debut issue!) talked about how the Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) was considering joining the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS). Indeed, the CCSS did end up joining the CFS, although, as recent stories in Nexus detail, the relationship hasn’t always been smooth sailing. See the next page for more on that.

Parking, always parking: One of the most consistent student concerns over the years has been parking. And, indeed, the main cover story on our first issue talked about changes being made to the Lansdowne parking lot. And right in the first paragraph, there is talk of the increase in parking rates, an increase which continues to this day, and which continues to irk students to this day.

Same paper, same goals: A piece introducing the paper to the readers explained that during Camosun College Student Society elections, students put the need for a student newspaper high on their list of priorities. We’ve had to change with the times, offering more online content, and it’s a constant challenge to bring you, the reader, stories that are relevant and sometimes not reported anywhere else, but that’s what we’re still doing 25 years later. We hope we’re still doing a good job in your eyes; judging by the feedback we get, we are, which makes us all very proud.