25 Years Ago in Nexus: February 21, 2018 issue

Views February 21, 2018

The long road to legalization: In “The plant with many uses,” our editorial in our February 22, 1993 issue, writer Jonathan Beckwith rallied for the legalization of marijuana. Things move slowly in politics, but I’m sure Beckwith would be pleased with recent developments on that front. Beckwith, who used the term “ganga” in the story, wasn’t just a stoner looking to be able to buy joints at Shoppers Drug Mart, either: he described himself as a “concerned non-smoking environmentalist” in the piece.

Cheech lives: Our Speak Up this issue asked Camosun students if they’ve ever been told they look like somebody famous. “I must have been told by a hundred different people that I look like that Cheech guy, especially when I was younger and my hair was long and my moustache was different,” said Alan Helim, who totally looked like Cheech. “I had quite a few laughs back in ’77 when I was hitch-hiking across the States.”

Getting there: In his City Cycling… Seriously column this issue, writer Tim Sampson said that the “streets of Victoria have not been designed to safely accommodate both cars and bicycles.” Well, the City of Victoria finally addressed those concerns. Now that the learning curve for the new bike lanes has come and gone, what do you think? Are the roads safer now for cyclists than they were 25 years ago?