Noms!: In review: My Chosen Café

My Chosen Cafe is a great place when you don’t know where to go. Why? The food is awesome, and it’s nowhere near where anyone lives, so anyone you want to meet for a bite can’t complain about it being further from them than it is from you. I figure it’s an equal opportunity sort […]

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Camosun College student society joins One Billion Rising

The Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) has announced they will join One Billion Rising, a global activist movement aimed at ending violence against women, in raising awareness about gender-based violence. In support of One Billion Rising, the CCSS Women’s Centre will host a V-Day dance party and an after-party refreshment period on February 13 for […]

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New Music Revue: February 6, issue

Henry Wagons Expecting Company? (Spunk/Thirty Tigers) 2.5/5 Henry Wagons’ Expecting Company? really isn’t what I was expecting. Though it appears to be a country album, Expecting Company? sounds heavily influenced by the gypsy music that people in fedoras or corsets play at Fringe festivals. The album might fit better as the soundtrack to a vampire […]

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Local, Live, and Loud: February 6 – 19

Wednesday, February 6 Zion-I, Wilderness Crew, A-1 Club 90NE9, $17.50-$20.50, 9 pm Do you know how many kids Bob Marley had? Okay, so that’s a loaded question. Obviously I wouldn’t ask if it weren’t remarkably high. Go ahead and take a guess. Ballpark it. I don’t need it to be exact. Did you guess 11? […]

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Sour Grapes: Veggie cats and dogs

Just the other day, a question popped into my brain which, like a Zen master speaking about one hand clapping, left me confused and curious. Mainly, I couldn’t believe I had never given the topic much thought, but now I kept asking myself this question: what do vegetarians and vegans feed their pets? Everyone has […]

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Peled to talk about a new Israel

Miko Peled went from being a Zionist and patriotic Israeli to a pro-Palestinian peace activist, he says, once he discovered Palestine and the Palestinian people. Peled, the author of the memoir The General’s Son, is coming to the University of Victoria to talk about his journey in a speech entitled Beyond Zionism: A New Paradigm […]

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Fashion has never made it so easy to run in heels

Call them ugly, call them fashionable, call them whatever you wish, but wedge sneakers are a trend and they’ve finally hit Victoria. Wedge sneakers are like Uggs for fashion-conscious people, because even they need to relax, right? It was almost like Uggs hired a plastic surgeon and stylist and completely reinvented themselves as the new, […]

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Movie review: Hansel and Gretel flick fun, problematic

Modern fairy tales are nothing new. They continue to be popular, and, as a fan myself, I anticipated Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters with both excitement and dread. Dread because these authorless tales have become huge franchises. I wonder if their underlying ideologies differ much from their origins and, if so, what that means for […]

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Speaker’s Corner: All together now

US leadership developer and coach Art Petty offers group project tips free on his blog to make them accessible to everyone because “everyone’s doing it, and many are not doing it well,” he says on the blog. Group projects are the foundation of your future. Whether you’re a Starbucks barista or a CEO, you will […]

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