Open Space: What’s down with textbook lineups?

An argument for the more staid and aggravating traditions at Camosun College could be this: “We’ve always done it this way! A curse on all creative solutions!” There are inexplicable oversights not tied to higher costs, like (finally) moving the smokers further out, or not addressing the very real health issue of perfume-overdosed students in […]

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Noms!: Meatball bonanza

Eating food is great but making food every day is not cool. The solution? Make bulk meals. They’re cheaper, often quite easy, and supply several lunches/dinners for the days to come. One of my favorite bulk meals is meatballs: they’re inexpensive, taste great, and make amazing sandwiches for lunches. Plus, I’m sure there are numerous […]

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A message from the Camosun College student society: Time to de-stress

The end of the semester is fast approaching and for many that signals an increase in feelings of stress. The truth is being a student takes a lot out of us, and after two and a half months of constant readings, responses, exams, essays, and presentations we are all exhausted and ready for a break. […]

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Play uses Charlie Brown to remind everyone to be happy

What is happiness for you? Or perhaps a better question is always this: what is happiness for Charlie Brown? “Charlie Brown says happiness is a happy pencil, because the girl he loves has nibbled on a pencil,” says Fran Gebhard, director of You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown. “Happiness is sharing sandwiches and a friend.” […]

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News Briefs: Dead president, new tech, UVSS expelled

Camosun hiking club wants you A new club on campus is looking for people to join them on their journeys to the great outdoors. Work off some of that beer belly, meet some new people, and get close to nature with fellow students. Contact Forrest Kilgour at to learn more. Space is limited, so […]

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New Music Revue: Billy Bragg

Billy Bragg Tooth and Nail (Dine Alone Records) 3.5/5   Tooth and Nail, Billy Bragg’s first studio solo album in five years, is definitely a lot more listenable and thoughtful than past albums, but it doesn’t quite stand up next to the three Mermaid Avenue albums he did with Wilco, where they used Woody Guthrie […]

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Speaker’s Corner: Plagiarizing versus competing

In its many renderings, one popular Bible quote suggests originality is impossible. “The thing that has been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 9:1) This is where character and free will come in. The […]

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Sour Grapes: Food fraud

A scandal recently erupted in Europe that attracted the attention of international news gatherers and provoked much discussion amongst online communities. No, I’m not talking about that whole thing with the Pope. The scandal was about horsemeat. Allegedly, items like burgers, Taco Bell burritos, and even the sacred IKEA meatball were masquerading as 100 percent […]

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