Camosun College Mechanical Engineering Showcase returns to Interurban for 2016

Science is like fire: it changes lives and creates futures. When Prometheus took fire from Olympus, people thought fire was a miracle, and Prometheus was a hero. In a way, engineering technology is like those ancient myths, because it brings miracles to people’s lives. For example, 2,000 years ago, people could not believe that they […]

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Lit Matters: Existentialism in the woods with Per Petterson

“You decide when it will hurt,” chides a father to his son in Per Petterson’s novel Out Stealing Horses. The novel, set in the Norwegian forest in both the present day and in 1948, is a tender look at human relationships and the forces that determine how we, as individuals, are defined. Petterson has become […]

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Dark days at Camosun College: Students dealing with depression speak out

It’s a hot summer day at Camosun College’s Lansdowne campus. I’m walking beneath the bridge that connects the Fisher and Ewing buildings, my footsteps echoing amid the summer silence that fills the air. When autumn comes, the bookstore line-up will be visible from across the parking lot; for now, the campus is tranquil. But campuses […]

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Open Space: It’s time to eliminate tuition in Canada

Tuition should be eliminated, and we the students need to make that happen. For many years I’ve heard warning klaxons signal the approach of the debt apocalypse. Social spending must be cut due to constant budget shortfalls; in other news, our corporate benefactors will abandon us if we do not lower their taxes and entice […]

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25 Years Ago in Nexus: September 7, 2016 issue

Going green: In our September 3, 1991 issue, the story “Recycling program kicks off” talked about how Camosun College’s paper recycling program was just getting underway. Seems quaint to think of it now, but a lot has changed in 25 years. Back then, we reported that at least one paper recycling bin would be on […]

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What’s Going On: September 7 to 20, 2016

Sunday, September 11 Check out your dream home Want to tour the house you’ve been picturing in your head since forever? Check out the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria’s Art Gallery House Tour 2016, where you can wander around through six houses without being a creep. As a bonus, an artist will inhabit each home for […]

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