25 Years Ago in Nexus: September 8, 2020 web exclusive

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Bad times, bad times: The story “Federal cuts to BC mean fewer dollars for post-secondary education” in our September 5, 1995 issue talked about how there was set to be approximately $250 million in cuts to BC post-secondary over a three-year period. It’s easy to get bogged down in bad news in 2020, but, rest assured, there’s always been lots of bad news out there if you know where to look for it. Uh… that’s reassuring, right?

Student society snark: Letter-writer Matthew Skala wrote us to address his concern about Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) electoral candidates holding a rally and giving speeches during a voting period, when CCSS policy forbade election campaigning during that time. Skala said “I am certainly glad I am transferring to UVic next year and not staying here with these people in charge,” then signed off as a “CCSS general member but not for much longer, thank Goddess.”

Recycling rants: The story “Recycling survey shows room for improvement” talked about the results of a survey sent to Camosun staff and students about recycling habits; the survey results found instructors were faring better at paper-saving than students were. As someone who regularly spots recyclables sitting in garbage cans around campus and then fishes them out and places them in the proper containers, all I can say is I don’t care who does this stuff, just stop doing it and recycle already.