Let’s Talk?: No, I will not bake you cookies

A few weeks ago, I was sitting at my desk at Nexus, deep in writing mode, when the fire alarm went off. It decimated my concentration and sent a steady, deafening ring blasting through Richmond House. After about 30 seconds of trying to ignore it, I turned to student editor Adam Marsh and hypothesized with […]

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Unpacking the Bags: One step back, two steps forward

Moving to another country requires several adaptations that we could call setbacks. Besides facing the difficulty of daily communication, we students need to adapt to a new job market that will require us to start over. Being a newcomer in search of work is one of the major difficulties in the life of a young […]

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Open Space: It’s time to look at death in a more positive light

If it wasn’t for death, life would be insignificant. Without the pressure of impending death, what sense of immediacy would we have in our goals and dreams for the future? We would have forever to complete them; as creatures drawn to leisure, we wouldn’t complete much at all. If it wasn’t for death, no life […]

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Getting There Together: The ultimate response of e-skateboards

North American society revolves around the car, but that never made sense. If we recognize and decry the gross waste of energy in hauling around a ton of metal wherever we go, then a skateboard is the ultimate response: four wheels and a small platform to stand on, which is even less weight than a […]

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New Music Revue: Umi Copper delivers something one of a kind with Requiem

Umi Copper Requiem (Black Acre) 3.5/5 LA alternative/soul singer Umi Copper brings a sound that is uniquely his own to the four songs on his debut EP, Requiem. The thing I like most about Copper’s music is that it doesn’t remind me of anything. While it drips with R&B, soul, and jazz influence, it refuses […]

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House of Columns: Students should support proportional representation

As many students may be aware, BC will be holding a referendum this fall on changing the electoral system. The system currently in use, first past the post, while simple, is outdated and highly unreflective of the overall choice voters make. In a single riding today, a candidate simply needs to receive the most votes—not […]

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Tree house art exhibit focuses on working together, artistically

Tree houses are an iconic part of childhood. So it makes sense that a trip back to her hometown in Ontario was the start of The Tree House Project (THP) for multidisciplinary Toronto-based artist Jennie Suddick. THP is an art exhibit of architectural models based off drawings of tree houses that others sketched in a […]

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Blue Bridge takes a Canadian theatre classic out of the drawer

For many, Michael Healey’s The Drawer Boy is considered a gem in Canadian theatre. A three-person, two-act play that takes place on a farm, The Drawer Boy blends humour and drama into a tale about memories and stories, and the blurred lines between them.  As their tenth season begins to wind down, Blue Bridge Repertory […]

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