Double Teamed: A tooth for a…

Columns January 25, 2012

We’d both heard the myth about vaginas that have teeth; then we found an article online about this myth becoming a reality for one woman due to a dermoid cyst. Regardless of if vagina teeth are real or myth, we thought it was worthy of some discussion:

Clorisa: Okay, on the count of three, say the first word that pops in to your head about vagina teeth. One, two, three…

Dylan: Scary.

C: Disgusting.

D: I think the fact that there is a factual basis for it at this point only makes it scarier. Before you weren’t worried, but now…

C: It happened once; it could happen again! I just feel like teeth anywhere where you’re not expecting teeth is gross. Teeth are okay in one place – inside your mouth. Nowhere else on your body needs teeth.

D: I know dudes who like getting their junk bit, so maybe for them it’s like two good things happening at once.

C: Maybe, but you can control your mouth; I can’t speak to all womens’ vaginal control but you’re not going to be able to give a controlled bite. I don’t know; I’m having a hard time even imaging vagina teeth.

D: It would probably look like that pit in Star Wars.

C: Right! That’s totally what I’m imagining!

D: All the teeth are ridged in so anything going in can’t get out.

C: This is the worst!

D: It’s pretty gross. Granted, if I’m going to get some, it’s not really on my mind. At least it hasn’t been.

C: Well, don’t let this get you down, Dylan. Don’t let this stop you.

D: I’ll tell you what, if something happens…

C: You give me a call, ’cause I want to be the first to know.