In Search of Lost Time: Essentialism Dangers

Columns February 22, 2012

The sciences have provided us with a lot of benefits and technologies that improve and stimulate our daily lives. However, the sciences are a double-edged sword that can be wielded with machinations toward certain minorities and socially deviant groups in our society.

The study of genetics and the discovery of a “gay” gene is one such scenario that could prove dangerous on multiple fronts.

It’s true that for some a genetic cluster that explains their homosexuality could bring them comfort. However, we must consider how this affects those who are homosexual and receive a negative result on a genetic test. Do we then deny them their identity because it’s not biologically determined? I would hope not.

What we must strive to understand is the multidimensional aspects of our identities that include culture, hormone exposure, inborn sense of self, and numerous other environmental variables. A single biological variable doesn’t explain the diversity of sexuality.

Secondly, a gay gene could be used to screen fetuses in a prenatal environment and then be subjected to gene therapy to correct a possible homosexual traitÉ or be aborted.

Given that a majority of society still presents heterosexist attitudes, this is problematic. Will future parents alter their children in the vain ideology that they will improve their child’s lives?

I hope that people will understand that sexual diversity is good. Indeed, Darwin claims that the more diversity a species has, the more likely they are to survive.