Speaker’s Corner: The beginning of the end

Columns Magazine Issue September 5, 2012

Bringing your first semester to a successful close is an end result anyone would want. Picture the smile on your face when you look over your final marks in December. How do you get to there from here? You start at the end of course.

End-point visualization is the key. You have to start with habits that will get you there. It’s that simple: close your eyes; see yourself looking at that 8.0 GPA. See it. Feel it. Smell it. Own it.

But no amount of movie magic will do this for you. You must take action. When you schedule an appointment, keep it; if you’re out of balance in an area, get back on track. You are experiencing end-point visualization.

Your habits will produce results, good or bad. Make your habits work for you. By semester’s end you will get that hit of reward; how good it feels will blow you away.

But where can you learn end-point visualization? Here at Camosun College Toastmasters. Attend a free workshop on September 15, from 9 am to noon. To register, head on over to endpointvisualization.wordpress.com today and take that first step towards a happy ending.