20 years ago in Nexus: September 19, 2012 issue

Magazine Issue September 19, 2012

Well, that’s good news: In our last issue, we looked back 20 years at our September 8, 1992 issue, where we found an article about the library shortening its hours due to budget cuts. Well, we’re happy to report that looking back 20 years two weeks later, to our September 21, 1992 issue, we found a news article entitled “Lansdowne extends library hours.” Turns out that the library found some ways to come up with the bread themselves by shifting the budget around a bit. Take that, cuts!

The future is here: Our feature story for this issue was entitled “Interurban: Campus of the future.” And, you know, us Nexus folk go out to Interurban regularly and we’d have to agree. That is one fine campus, from the great food to the architectural eye candy. In the story, Camosun College Student Society Interurban campus director at the time Susan Williams laid down this particularly vicious quote: “At UVic they claim to have their finger on the pulse of education. Here at Interurban, we are the pulse.” Boom!

Lotsa letters: The letters to the editor section was particularly active this issue. There’s someone rallying on about the merits of technocracy for two loooong paragraphs, a letter from someone who had recently gone blind but had succeeded in becoming a student, and a detailed explanation about where the Camosun College Student Society spent the part of their budget allocated to sending their reps to Canadian Federation of Students “social functions” out east. (Diverse letter sections are the best: send in your thoughts to us today!)