Open Space: Entertainment industry stifles

Magazine Issue Views October 31, 2012

So often I see people shying away from things because they think they aren’t good enough to show their skills in public. This is a tragedy, and it’s the fault of the entertainment industry.

Whether it’s playing sports, dancing, singing, wearing certain clothing, having their photo taken, or presenting something they have created, people stifle their self-expression because of the impossibly high standard that has been set by television, movies, and advertisements.

Why do you hear about people singing in shower, but never in public? Singing is a release of self-expression; it’s therapeutic and it releases emotions. Many people feel embarrassed to sing in public because they can’t hit the same eight-octave scale as Mariah Carey. But push that embarrassment aside: singing in public can liberate a person, and whether they are trained, naturally gifted, or tone deaf, someone will appreciate their sincerity.

What about looks? A lot of the people we see in the entertainment industry have huge plastic surgery bills and a team of people helping them sculpt their bodies. These perfectly chiseled figures that are projected as desirable are either unhealthy, unrealistic, or completely unattainable, depending on the severity. As human beings we all have the right to feel comfortable in our own skin and express our bodies how we like, no matter what shape or size we are.

Dancing is an amazing form of expression; it can come naturally to a person if they just let go of their bodily inhibitions. Not everyone is going to get the Macarena right on the first try, but if you let your body move to the rhythm, you’ll feel good and look good to people who can truly appreciate it.

Industry standards should not determine whether or not a person is photogenic. Industry standards should not determine if a person has singing talent or dancing skills. Industry talent should not determine whether or not a person has an attractive body.

Sing. Dance. Be creative. Love yourself. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you can’t.