Local, Live, and Loud: Lucero, Billy Bragg, Stars, The Casualties, and more

Arts April 3, 2013

Wednesday, April 3
Lucero, Shovels & Rope
Club 90NE9, $15, 9:30 pm

I’m constantly being reminded of the fact that I’m getting old. Take skateboarding, for example. At one point in my life there was barely a day that I didn’t hop on one of my boards for something. Even if I wasn’t “going skateboarding,” I was taking a cruise to the store for groceries or riding one around at work. These days if I get to hop on a skateboard more than once or twice a month, I’m stoked. To be fair, I think if I didn’t live on a farm with very little smooth pavement I might roll around a bit more often. Maybe I should park the tractor outside and build a mini-ramp in the garage.

Thursday, April 4
Billy Bragg, Kim Churchill
Alix Goolden Hall, $30, 7 pm

I can’t wait for my slow-pitch softball season to start. I know, right? You’re thinking, “Man, this guy really is getting old.” But if you’ve ever enjoyed playing baseball or softball as a kid and haven’t played in a while, then slow-pitch is where it’s at. You get all the fun parts of a ballgame but hitting the damn ball is a 100 times easier. Awesome. I like to pitch, just so I’m involved in the game the entire time. Not everybody wants to be the closest guy to an easily hittable ball the size of a grapefruit, but, hey, I like to live life on the edge.

Friday, April 5
Stars, Said the Whale
Alix Goolden Hall, $25, 7 pm

We watched The Hobbit and had a Middle Earth-themed dinner the other night. My wife glazed a big ol’ ham with some marmalade and mustard, tossed some root veggies in the roasting pan, and I bought some wine from New Zealand. It was the best I could do. At least the movie was filmed there. There was no way I was about to try mead for the first time, although I did consider it. Regardless, our evening was great. So much better than picking up Thai and trying to watch The Man with the Iron Fists the following evening. RZA should stick to making music.

Wednesday, April 10
The Casualties, Dayglo Abortions
Club 90NE9, $15, 9 pm

Did I ever tell you about the time the Dayglos played in the back of the Brickyard? We didn’t have bouncers, just me and a buddy working that night. Somebody came in carrying a bat. We politely asked them to leave it with us. At one point I went downstairs to get another bag of flour and was offered cocaine, which I respectfully declined. One of the band members pissed in the garbage can in the washroom, rather than the toilet. And only one person got a bottle to the face that night. All things considered, a fun evening.

Thursday, April 11
Pickwick, Jordan Klassen
Lucky Bar, $15.50, 8 pm

My youngest is just starting all sorts of things. He’s starting to get teeth. He’s starting to crawl. His little hands slap all around our laminate floor as he goes. Actually, he’s started pulling himself into a standing position with the help of anything he can reach. He’s started eating bits of the same food we’re eating. He started clapping today. Then there’s his low, demon voice grunt and grumble that he’s started doing. It’s as if he’s possessed by a geriatric beast attempting to push out a turd. I’m pretty sure that at least half of that is true most of the time.

Friday, April 12
Ladyhawk, Popcorn Park
Copper Owl, $13, 9 pm

That Kernels place in the mall may be the death of me. Not to be confused with The Colonel; I’m not talking KFC here. No, this place has one item done dozens of different ways. Popcorn. Coat it in something tasty and sell it for a huge markup (like KFC!). Anyhow, this stuff is coated in savoury or sweet flavours, and every time I walk by with my family we are forced to stop. Not physically forced or anything, but it is almost impossible to convince a three-and-a-half year old that they don’t need popcorn. And, honestly, do I want my kid to be sad? Mmm, popcorn.