20 Years Ago in Nexus: October 2, 2013 issue

Columns October 2, 2013

Up in smoke: Our October 4, 1993 issue boasted not only a really cool-creepy cover featuring a sculpture made by a Camosun student, but also a humorous look at how non-smokers treat smokers in Shelley Evans’ entertaining Excrementia Factorum column. Evans said that just because non-smokers “have pink lungs and a strong heart does not mean you rule us!” She went on to say that reports that the numbers of people smoking are dropping is “a lie! We’re just hiding better.”

 Leave it to Beaver: What a controversy erupted when a Camosun College Student Society chairperson, John-Henry Harter, called out Beaver Foods (who operated the cafeteria back then) for discontinuing permanent ware and switching over to paper plates. This prompted a news story and two letters to the editor, one of which ended in an all-caps tirade urging people to stop complaining and to bring their own plates to school to eat off of.

Still talking: It would appear that the only column that was in the paper 20 years ago that still lives on is the popular Speak Up. 20 years ago, we asked people what issues they’d like the federal election candidates to make a priorityŃenvironment, education, health care, and deficit concerns were the hot topics of the day (and still are). What are we asking people today? Well, look right below this column to find out!