20 Years Ago in Nexus: January 8, 2014 issue

Columns January 8, 2014

Two sides to every story: Last time around in this column, we talked about how a student had written in to the paper to complain about a flyer the Camosun College Women’s Centre had circulated displaying female genitalia. In our January 10, 1994 issue, the Women’s Centre wrote a letter in response, saying they feel the picture is “an example of an empowering statement.” They said that “while some, as the woman in the letter, were offended by this image, we also received positive feedback from both sexes.”

Nexus 4-9 TREATED

What’s going on… and what’s not: It’s always fun reading our events listings from 20 years ago. There are always bands that are still making the rounds (Blue Rodeo were playing in town here on January 4, 2014 and also on January 11, 1994). There are also bands that have more or less been lost to time. Hothouse Flowers, anyone?

Tree-free predictions: A news story, “Tree-free book to hit Victoria shelves,” predicted a time in the future when “almost every book you read is made entirely of something other than a tree.” Books are still made from trees, but e-readers, while not without their own environmental costs, make it look like writer Keith Bell had a pretty good crystal ball in his bands 20 years ago.