Queerly Forward: Queers make a splash!

Columns March 5, 2014

Swimming pools can be very uncomfortable places for queers, especially those that do not fit neatly into the gender binary, or those whose body types don’t match societal beauty norms. It’s hard for queers to feel welcome in spaces often dominated by straight folks.

Queers Get Wet is a night-time swim that happens regularly at the Esquimalt Recreation Center. It’s an opportunity for queers to come together, be visible and feel safer in a space that is not very conducive to identities that don’t fit within the heteronormative model. Queers Get Wet is a splashtastic example of how the queer community can come together to support each other and have a lot of fun doing so.

The various queer events that happen around Victoria are perfect opportunities for getting involved in the community and meeting all the incredible super queeros that live on these beautiful Lkwungen territories. Queer hikes, discussion groups, dance parties, knitting circles, swim meets, movie nights, and book clubs are examples of meeting points where queers and supporters come together to relate, create, and celebrate!

Camosun Pride aspires to connect queer students with as many awesome community events as possible. Don’t be afraid to ask us about all the radtastic events that happen in this community. Send us an e-mail at pride@camosunstudent.org or check into the Pride Lounge on the first floor of Richmond House.

Now let’s finish with this awesome Simpsons quote: “Individually, we are weak, like a single twig, but as a bundle, we form a mighty faggot!”