New Music Revue: The Last Gang relive old-school punk on new album

Arts March 21, 2018

The Last Gang
Keep Them Counting
(Fat Wreck Chords)

This is the first full-length album by The Last Gang, a ’77-punk trio from Orange County.

Despite only having three members, they fill the sound spectrum. Guitarist/vocalist Brenna Red’s vocals are reminiscent of Joan Jett, and the bass and drums work well together.

The lyrics contain all the typical punk themes that you’d expect: they’re anti-authority, pro-self-expression, pro-activism, and pro-feminism.

Most songs on first pass felt familiar, as if I’d heard them somewhere before. In subsequent listens, though, I began to appreciate some tracks for their own merits.

The remainder, however, were forgettable.

Sure, some of this is unoriginal and derivative, but that doesn’t mean the songs are of poor quality. Overall, Keep Them Counting is not a strong release, but it’s worth a listen.