25 Years Ago in Nexus: September 26, 2018

Views September 26, 2018

Sharp cuts: We talked in the last 25 Years Ago in Nexus about Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) chairperson John-Henry Harter writing a letter to the editor attacking Beaver Foods, which ran the Lansdowne cafeteria at the time, for using disposable cutlery. Two people wrote letters in our October 4, 1993 issue attacking Harter’s letter, including student Nick Lovejoy, who suggested, “If Mr. Harter and the CCSS truly want to take part in making a change they can stop printing the little piece of propaganda they call the Student Handbook and do something useful with the money.”

Accessible for some, sometimes: Also in the very lively letters section this issue was a note from student Sean Stewart, who didn’t like the fact that Camosun’s Carey Road campus was not accessible for students with disabilities. Obviously, lots of progress has been made on that front over the years. Just maybe not in the college’s $30-million Centre for Trades Education and Innovation (see “Accessible for all?” at nexusnewspaper.com).

This might be satire: Shelley Evans’ Excrementia Factorum column was always a humorous and over-the-top read. In this issue, Evans fought the good fight for smokers everywhere, starting off with “Who do you non-smokers think you are?” and ending with “If you smoke, smoke! If you don’t, shut up about it and stay away from our designated areas of self-abuse!”