First Things First: Back in the saddle

Columns January 23, 2019

December and January gave us a few weeks of idleness and cheer, but now we must begin again. It’s a new year, and that means new you, new me, new semester, and new resolutions you’re probably not going to live up to.

Here’s a challenge for you: make a resolution for this year that you know you can do. The amazing thing is that you can refer to how last semester treated you, and how you treated last semester.

New students are often highly stressed, mostly because the combination of a new environment and change in routine activates some panic. Thankfully, you experienced the first day last year. Now that you understand the general gist of starting school—finding classes, meeting the teachers—why not aim higher? You survived last year; think of ways you can thrive this year.

First things First is a column about issues pertaining to first-year students; it appears in every issue of Nexus (illustration by Tiegan Suddaby).

Be like me and take four classes instead of five. Maybe this term you’ll achieve a firm A in at least one class. Explore the campus a little more and use the services and facilities provided, like the gym. Socialize with your colleagues outside of the school schedule; go to parties. Or party less? Remember, goals are personal and should be attainable to you and no one else.

If you’re just starting school this year, think of what you want to learn from yourself. If you already know that you tend to procrastinate on assignments, try starting them the day you get them. Push yourself to meet other people, even if it’s just a quick smile to the person sitting beside you.

Also, if you are starting in January, it’s normal to feel a bit behind when everyone started school in the fall, but remember that plenty of other students arrive in winter too. 

This year, our resolutions shouldn’t be to impress everyone around us but to see growth in ourselves. I don’t know if you need to hear it, but I’m proud of us first-years. Let’s make this term even better than the last.