25 Years Ago in Nexus: September 25, 2019 issue

Views September 25, 2019

Not that $200 textbooks are outrageous: It gets a bit tiresome to look back on old stories and lament about how some student struggles never change, but good lord: our October 3, 1994 issue featured the front page story “Cost of textbooks forces students to consider cheaper alternatives.” What more can we say? It was a slow process, but today there are free textbook alternatives available to at least help ease the burden on some students.

Green light, red light: “Interurban Women’s Centre gets green light” talked about how the Interurban campus was getting a Women’s Centre. It didn’t last: today, the campus has no Women’s Centre, but the Lansdowne Women’s Centre, located in the Richmond House, is still going strong. Want to see the Interurban campus get a Women’s Centre again? Tell the Camosun College Student Society your concerns.

Write on: The story “Axed Writing Centre critical to student success” gave the unfortunate news that the fate of the college’s Writing Centre, which had closed in June 1994, was still up in the air. The college has Writing Centres back in action on both campuses here in 2019.