BC Transit suspends UPass program

Web Exclusive News

Camosun College announced yesterday that it has been informed that BC Transit is suspending its UPass programs across the province. The decision was made as a result of onboard fare payment being removed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The UPass is a bus pass for Camosun students; students pay for the pass as part of their student fees.

BC Transit has suspended its UPass program (file photo).

The college is not able to administrate the mandatory program for the summer semester; this includes the non-enrolled UPass program.

Students enrolled in the summer semester will not be charged the UPass fee. Those students who have already paid their summer fees will have their fees credited to their student account.

The UPass is a service made available to students through the Camosun College Student Society; email upass@camosunstudent.org for more information.