25 Years Ago in Nexus: March 19, 2021 web exclusive

Web Exclusive Views

A council divided: The story “Differing views cause ill feelings among CCSS Council members” in our March 18, 1996 issue painted a picture of a Camosun College Student Society (CCSS) divided. “They are coming crying to the school newspaper that they have been treated unfairly but I think they should take a look at themselves and how they treat other people as well,” said CCSS chairperson Maura Parte about other council members talking to Nexus about their complaints. Lansdowne director Teri Woosnam, for example, was concerned that the CCSS was leaning too left: “Nobody will admit that it is a socialist movement or whatever they want to term it as,” said Woosnam. “If you do it that way you’re going to alienate a lot of students. You need to open it up.”

Give a hoot, please, still give a hoot: The Students for Environmental Action column in this issue talked about something that is still near and dear to our hearts at Nexus: litter on campus. Writer Nick Yaremchuk bemoaned the state of garbage being strewn around Camosun, from coffee cups to cigarette butts, pointing out that no one group is more or less responsible for this. He ended off the column by saying “To those of you who pick up the unsightly trash that litters our campus: Thank you.” We second that.

COVID-safe: This is more about the state of everyone in 2021, but upon my first look at the headline “Cartoon exhibit draws crowd,” I thought it said “COVID exhibit draws crowd.” Knowing that was wrong, I tried again: “Cartoon exhibit draws COVID.” Sigh. This story, about a cartoon exhibit at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, was written in a simpler time, decades before our current pandemic caused me to see the name of the virus everywhere.