25 Years Ago in Nexus: September 6, 2022 issue

Views September 6, 2022

CFS fights loan repayment plan: A story in our September 2, 1997 issue detailed how the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) was fighting a government repayment plan for student loans that allowed students who could pay loans faster to save on interest. The CFS—which Camosun students were paying members of at this time—said that this discriminated against students who could not repay loans quickly. They proposed an alternative: an equal loan repayment system, which meant higher loans had higher payments and lower loans had lower payments.

Students still struggle to meet new people: It’s not just the current digital age that inhibits our abilities to make new friends. Even 25 years ago, Camosun students expressed the same concern. In the column Girl Named Bob in this issue, one student asked how they could meet people at Camosun. The columnist’s response is the same one I would give you today: through classes or clubs, the Camosun College Student Society, and, of course, volunteering for Nexus.

Students with Disabilities Lounge grand opening: The Students with Disabilities Lounge had a grand opening 25 years ago with a CD player, TV/VCR, and the launch of weekly movie nights. It was located in the Richmond House and was spearheaded by Steve Washington, the students with disabilities executive at the time. My question is, what happened to this fantastic lounge?