25 Years Ago in Nexus: October 19, 2022 issue

Views October 19, 2022

Lack of educational funding for Indigenous students: A story by Gail Reardigan in our October 14, 1997 issue highlighted the lack of support for Indigenous students at college. For example, Indigenous students had to rely on their band council’s post-secondary funds and hope that the school picked them to attend college. It’s positive seeing how far Canadian post-secondary schools have come regarding support for Indigenous students; however, we still need to improve on many things moving forward.

Your post-secondary bucket list: A hilarious comprehensive list of 10 things to do before you leave college was shared in this issue, which includes activities related to “food,” “the obscure,” and “drugs and alcohol,” among other things. Some things you should check off your post-secondary bucket list are to live off Kraft Dinner and Northern Brew, paint your nails black, and wake up one morning with no idea where you are or how you got there. 1997 sounds fun.

Don’t forget to vote: This time 25 years ago, Camosun College Student Society elections were running, just like they are now. Some common issues that candidates were fighting for were women’s rights, more support for Indigenous students, and, one that stuck out to us, gaining autonomy for Nexus. The CCSS student elections are happening this year from October 24 to October 26.