Nic’s Flicks: The Whale showcases incredible acting

Columns February 8, 2023

The Whale (2022)

Last column, I talked about how Babylon was one of last year’s best cinematic experiences. Now, I’m writing about one of 2022’s most well-acted movies: Darren Aronofsky’s newest drama, The Whale.

Nic’s Flicks is a column about movies (photo by Nicolas Ihmels/Nexus).

This movie is the definition of “well acted.” Let’s start with Brendan Fraser: critics have called this his big comeback performance, and you know what? They aren’t wrong. Fraser is just fantastic as Charlie, an obese English professor who seeks redemption as his health spins out of control. Through his incredible performance, Fraser not only makes us feel for the character, but makes us want to see him succeed in his quest for redemption.

Fraser isn’t the only one giving a knock-out performance. Hong Chau also delivers an equally powerful performance as Liz, Charlie’s caretaker and best friend. Both of these actors give amazing performances that make the movie worth the price of admission. Also, I think that Sadie Sink’s performce as Ellie is wildly underappreciated. Sink really succeeds in showing Ellie’s bad and good sides, and is the real core of the movie.

Another great thing about this movie is Samuel Hunter’s script, which is based on his own play. Hunter successfully crafts one of the best redemption stories I’ve heard for a while. Aronofsky’s sensitive direction also meshes well with the movie’s tone.

As well, Rob Simonsen’s haunting musical score really does a great job in conveying each character’s emotions.

Another outstanding aspect of the film is the makeup: it’s outstanding. Yes, they do go a little bit overboard with it, but what’s on screen really looks fantastic. This is easily the best makeup job I saw in 2022, and that’s high praise.

The Whale is a powerfully acted drama that’s elevated by excellent writing.