Kiryn’s Wellness Corner: A blast of fall heat

Columns September 20, 2023

Hard to believe that we’re this far into September already. Hopefully this means you’ve settled into the rhythm of your fall schedule and are enjoying the subtle changes as we move towards fall equinox, which happens Friday, September 22.

Kiryn’s Wellness Corner is a wellness column that appears in every issue of Nexus (photo by Kiryn Quinn/Nexus).

A shift from summer to fall means a change in seasonal foods and a turning from the crisp sweetness of apples and pears to the comforting orange hues of pumpkins, carrots, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash. The nourishing carbohydrates fuel our brains for study and assist our bodies to better tolerate the colder temperatures to come. 

While here on the west coast we’re often spared the harsh bite of winter, the dampness of our temperate rainforest zone can still cause a chill. Warm up with root vegetable soups, hot apple cider, and cooked pears to please your palate. The vibrant colours of fall fruits and vegetables is no coincidence, and the plant pigment beta carotene in particular is responsible for these strong splashes of colour and the health-boosting benefits of this powerful antioxidant.

You can also liven up your dishes with herbs and spices rich in beta carotene, such as paprika, cayenne, parsley, sage, and coriander, to name a few.

There’s a logical, natural reason behind the popularity of the fall pumpkin spice latte. 

In addition to changes in the food we eat as fall descends upon us, it’s only natural that our yoga practice should change as well. Practicing in a heated room is one way to take the edge off winter, but there’s a simple and accessible posture that can also quickly generate a nice internal blast of heat. 

Chair pose, or utkatasana in Sanskrit, is a posture that you can practice virtually anywhere at any time. With feet and knees together, draw your navel in toward your spine to support your back, and then slowly sit back and down as if about to sit in a chair. Lift through the centre of your chest and reach your hands together behind your back to interlace your fingers. If that’s not accessible, hold your elbows behind your back while opening across your chest. Allow your weight to settle back into your heels, sit a touch deeper and then take five slow, steady breaths. On your last exhale, push through your heels and slowly stand up, gently releasing your arms. 

Until next time, stay warm and keep it real.