New Music Revue: Folly Group only halfway there with Down There!

Arts January 24, 2024

Folly Group
Down There!
(So Young Records)

Down There! is the debut album from British post-punk band Folly Group. The appeal of the album will depend largely on how much you enjoy the genre.

I vibed to the beats and instrumentation but less so to the lyrics and vocals.

To more enthusiastic fans of the genre, I’m sure this rawness will be an appealing factor, but to me there’s a creeping sense that the lyrics were a series of cool-sounding words with no particular meaning in aggregate.

Listening to it alone, at a school computer, I found the experience grating, with each subsequent track sounding a little too similar to the previous to my untrained ear to warrant recommending the whole album. 

But Down There! isn’t without charm. At a pub or maybe a rowdy party, it’s not hard to imagine someone wanting to play a track or two. Just not me.