AJ Aiken and the art from Young: My journey into Visual Arts

Inside the walls of the Young Building exists a world of creativity (and possibly some ghosts; we’ll circle back on that in October). As a Digital Production, Writing and Design student, I spend most of my time on the third floor, but down on the first floor is where Visual Arts students can be found.  […]

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Boy Wander fantastic, wanderful memoir

As someone who reads a lot of queer books, I was excited to read Jobert Abueva’s Boy Wander: A Coming of Age Memoir. The story is set all over Asia, including the Philippines, Nepal, Thailand, and Japan. Despite being set in the past and in places I haven’t been, I felt immersed in the setting […]

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Walking the Balance Beam: Balancing boundaries

Late March was tough for me. Lots was going on in my life, and there were finals coming up. My brain felt full; it also felt fried. I’d been trying to think up a topic for this column: how to balance sanity with a serious relationship, final exams, and two very frisky cats. It seemed […]

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Victoria Beer Week returns with groovy, space-age events

This May, Victoria Beer Society will host the ninth annual Victoria Beer Week, which features seven events, including two that are outer-space-themed and one that’s a disco party. Victoria Beer Society event producer Rebecca Craig says that this is a great way to enjoy some fresh craft brews and some of the more creative design […]

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