Eye on campus: February 20 – March 5

Campus February 20, 2013

Monday, February 18

Chinese immigrant film screening

Celebrate Chinese culture and enjoy a lunchtime screening of the National Film Board’s From Harling Point. Through interviews with two Chinese Canadian women, the film tells the story of Chinese Canadians and the significance of the Chinese Cemetery at Harling Point. The event takes place at the Greater Victoria Library at noon and admission is free.

Wednesday, February 20

Bipolar info session

Do you know someone who suffers from bipolar disorder? The Camosun College Student Society is inviting you to an informational and sharing session. From 3:30 to 5 pm, come down to Young 216, Lansdowne and share your story with others coping with similar experiences and gain insight to the pathway of recovery.

Wednesday, February 27

Gendered Empire

This event is a guide to thinking about gender in western culture through the sociological lens of transsexual and Camosun Pride director Daphne Shaed (who also moonlights as a Nexus columnist). The event takes place at 5 pm in Fisher 100, Lansdowne. Attendance mandatory for Nexus readers! Well, not really, but we do urge everyone to check this out.

Thursday, February 28

Tour your hometown

Be a tourist in your own hometown: come celebrate 40 years of fun and take advantage of wicked deals on attractions, restaurants, lodging, shopping, and transportation. Tickets are available at participating outlets around town and online over at attractionsvictoria.com/bat. Admission books are $10 and the event runs from February 28–March 3.